is THRILLED to present:

Climbing the Rainbow:

A Companion Guide for the Spiritual Quest

(Second Edition) in all-new DIGITAL PDF FORMAT!

Here is an intriguing e-book to accompany your spiritual adventures, yearnings, learnings, triumphs and mishaps! Written by the editor/publisher of acclaimed journal, Rainbow City Express: Adventures on the Spiritual Path, these frank and often humorous as well as reverent autobiographical writings offer insights, personal experiences, and tips for negotiating the path to higher consciousness. Now you can resonate with and enjoy these eye-opening articles, poems, essays, graphic images and other tidbits that describe likely real-life encounters with higher realms on your own spiritual journey. Covers years of experiences that frequently (and some not-so-frequently) accompany spiritual awakening, such as kundalini stirrings, extra-sensory perception, precognitive awareness, traces of Grace in everyday life, creative/artistic inspiration, aesthetic sensitivity, subtle-energy exchanges, synchronicity, serendipity, and much much more!

The best way to describe this incredible anthology of writings is to present its CONTENTS (right-click image to enlarge):

Included in the 225-page anthology is a detailed index of topics covered, to assist readers in negotiating the contents of this hefty volume. Also provided are full-length questionnaires to probe your processes of creative self-expression and your tendency to live out the age-old themes of the Demeter-Persephone myth! (These questionnaires and several other articles are also now available in audio (MP3) format for those who prefer to listen rather than read.)

Even MORE EXCITING NEWS! Proceeds from the sale of Climbing the Rainbow and other December Rose items will go to help homeless, hungry animals! We are friends with the wonderful folks at HART (Hoopeston Animal Rescue Team, Illinois) and will donate a portion of proceeds of sales of December Rose items to HART to help finance their animal rescue work including medical/dietary needs, housing and pet adoption efforts. HART is well-known in central Illinois for its dedication to helping animals find shelter, healing, and "forever homes." Visit their website here: HART website

Please contact Rose (a) for more information and to purchase your copies of the full Climbing book and/or any of the 9 individual modules that comprise the anthology. Pick and choose whichever Parts best suit your own needs for only $4.95 per module. (We recommend all Module Orders include Part 1, to help set the scene for all that follows.) The full-length e-book sells for $29.95 and it and/or the modules will be electronically delivered via email upon receipt of your PayPal funds. (Additional payment possibilities are in the works.)

Contact us to learn more about December Rose's unique offerings !

Email us (rose [a] or contact us

on at December_Rose !

All images and content on December Rose/DecRose webpages are copyrighted and may not be used for any other purpose without prior written permission from owners. (c) Copyright 1993/2023.

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Coming soon!

First You Cry, Then You Create: On Transforming Grief